Wednesday 20 January 2010


days not calories !
Have arrived at Wednesday and realise how easy it is to fall off the proverbial wagon and how very hard it is to scramble back on and stay on !
New decision- have some soup on stand by and not dementedly rip through kitchen is search of a 'snack'....

Monday 18 January 2010

To weigh or not to weigh ?

In the days of 'diets' I had an obsessive interest in leaping off the scales but when I began the journey to losing 11 stone I decided I would hit the scales only evey 4 weeks and the better judgement of whether I felt in control of my eating and how my clothes felt.
I am having to rein in the urge not to revert to the scales obsession again.
Today I was reminded (yet) again of the relationship between feelings and eating . When upset I still would rather eat than show my upset- I guess a work in progress!

Sunday 17 January 2010

Monday morning - a new week always seems easier to think being positive about eating well at the start of the week.

Have decided to keep it simple and revert back to the early days which in real terms means:

  • writing it down- everything and I mean everything

  • planning what I eat

  • gauging not how good or bad my eating is but how in control I felt

  • quitting the diet coke habit

  • keeping the food simple

  • eating breakfast well

  • walking more !


As I'm clearly new to this I managed to publish a draft !
What made me decide to change - simple I caught sight of myself in a mirrored building.
The excuses were just that excuses .
I came home and viewed it not as a diet but more a way of life. Some foods were no longer welcome in the fridge, portion sizes changed , clothes grew loose, smaller sizes were bought . 3 years and 11 stone later (lost) I feel stuck and contemplate 2010 as the year of being the year to lose the last 3 stone.
So this will be my way of documenting the journey and maybe finding some company on the way !

New Year .......

I created the blog a little while ago and then metaphorically 'ran away' from it. But hey we are in January the time of new leaves and resolutions etc.

My personal theory is make a resolution and then you immediately break it and end up in a fairly shame filled place. For me that place will be a food related place!

From life as a 'well covered child' to curvy adolescent to a swift journey to morbidly obese on a memorable day 31/10/06 in Amsterdam I made a decision- my relationship with food was going to change